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This is the DIV with id=p1_out 1. (50 points)The textarea shown to the left is named ta in a form named f1. It contains the top 10,000 passwords in order of frequency of use -- each followed by a comma (except the last one).
When the 'Execute p1' button is clicked the javascript function p1 is executed. This function: • has two arrays: • an array named cbytes with 20 elements, initialize the elements of this array to zero. This array will be used to count the number of passwords with length: 0,1,2,3.,18,19 • an array named cnumb with 20 elements, initialize the elements of this array to zero. This array will be used to count the number of passwords with of length: 0,1,2,3.,18,19 that contain ONLY numbers • retrieve the data from the textarea ta. • split the data from step 2 into an array named a. • for each password: determine its length, add one to the appropriate location in the array cbytes (e.g., if the length of the password is 6 bytes, add 1 to the value of cbytes[6]) • also, for each password: determine whether or not the password is composed of only the digits 0 thru 9. If the password is all digits add one to the value of cnumb for the length of the password (e.g., if the password is 7 bytes long AND contains only digits, add 1 to cnumb[7]) ( Hint: if isNAN( password string) is true, the password contains at least one byte that is NOT a digit; if false the password is composed of digits only).
• create a 20 row - three column table ( Do not write the heading as shown in the answer). This table has 20 rows and 3 columns: • column 1 contains the password length (zero thru 19). • column2 shows the number of passwords with the length shown in column 1.
• column 3 shows the number of passwords whose length is shown in column 1 and that has ONLY digits. • place the resulting table in the DIV block with id='p1_out'. Show NO HTML.
Show only the javascript for the function p1.
Easily dispense medications with the Dosatron D25F Fixed Ratio Medicator Injector. This Injector is perfect for the producer who only needs one setting or is concerned that the injection ratios may be changed inadvertently. Powered by water pressure, the dispenser installs directly in your water supply line. A reliable way to inject antibiotics, vaccines, vinegar, chlorine and disinfectants into water lines, the dispenser mixes the appropriate amount of solution with water regardless of variations in flow or pressure in your main line. Specifications: • Injection Percents: 0.8% • Maximum Temp: 104° F • Housing Material: Polyacetal (Standard Blue) • Dimensions: 14' x 6 1/4' • Weight: 4 lbs.
• Included Accessories: 6' Clear Suction Tube, Strainer, Weight, Mounting Bracket and Operating Manual • Recommended Accessories: 200 Mesh Filter, Check Valve, Pressure Regulator, Flow Restrictor.
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