Pdf Microsoft Access Test Questions And Answers
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1) Explain how you can import data from other sources into Access database? To import data into Access data-base • In the main menu, click on EXTERNAL DATA, in the Import and Link group • Choose the type of the file you want to import • To know which type of file can be import or link Access database, follow the instruction in the Get External Data wizard 2) Explain what is the size limitation for an Access database? The Access 2.0 database has the size limitation of 1 gigabyte. 3) Between different data’s what are the types of relationship can be formed?
The table contains your data can build three types of relationship • One-to-one relationships: A single data in one table is linked with a single data in another table. • One-to-many relationship: A single data in a table is linked to several data’s in another table • Many-to-many relationship: Where several data’s in one table is related to several other data’s in another table 4) Explain how you can build a relationship between the different databases in Access? When you establish a relationship between two data, the first table for your data is referred as the primary key while the new field in another data is called a foreign key. 5) Name some of the file extension for MS Access?
Some of the file extension for MS Access are • Access database.accdb • Access project.adp • Access project.mdw • Access blank project template.adn • Access workgroup.mdw • Protected access database.accde 6) Explain what do you mean by queries? Queries are the medium of manipulating the data to display in the form or report.
Queries can join tables, update data, delete data, sort, calculate, filter, etc. 7) Explain what joins are and how you can open the database in Access? Joins determines the relationship between tables in Access by stating the details of the relationship between two tables. You can create joins on the database tools tab or by opening a query in design view. 8) Mention how you can create a simple query in Access 2013?
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• Open your database • Go to -> create tab • Click on the query wizard icon • Select a query type • From the pull-down menu choose the appropriate table • Select the field you want in the query results • To add information from additional tables, repeat steps 5 and 6 • Click on next • Choose the type of results that you would like to produce • Give your query a title • Click on finish 9) Explain how you can export data in Excel format? • From the toolbar click on the External Data tab • Click Excel on the Export group • It will open the export excel spreadsheet dialog box • Specify the destination of the file name and format • When you click OK, it will export the data to Excel spreadsheet 10) Explain how you can create a table using MAOL (Microsoft Access Object Library)? To create a table using MAOL, you have to pronounce a variable of type object and then initialize it with the CreateTableDef() method of the recent database object. This technique takes argument as the name of the table. 11) Explain how you can create a form in Microsoft Access 2013?