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Which torrent sites get the most visitors at the start of 2013? Update: Traditionally BitTorrent users are very loyal, which is reflected in the top 10 where most sites have had a consistent listing for more than half a decade. This year there are a few movers and shakers, as well as several newcomers. The most notable absentees this year are.
Med angina bolezni modrikastega jezika se nanaša na akutno boleznijo, ki se pojavi na ozadju vključen okužb. V tem primeru ne vpliva na zgornje plasti ustne sluznice. Rečeno je, da se pojavi ta bolezen najpogosteje pri bolnikih, ki v jesenskem in zimskem času, kot je angina sezonsko. Istoriyu bolezni lakunarnaya angina. Angina pektoris deluje kot nekakšen opozorilni znak, nakazuje pa na možen pojav različnih bolezni srca. Omenjeno bolezensko stanje se lahko pojavi pri hoji, še zlasti v mrzlem vremenu ali po obroku.
Both sites have been featured in the top 10 since 2006, but went offline in 2012. BTJunkie permanently quit early last year and Demonoid’s future is also uncertain after it disappeared during the summer. The first newcomer in tenth place is H33t, which has been growing steadily in recent years. Erste banka kreditni kalkulator. The second newcomer is TorrentReactor, one of the oldest torrent sites around that makes its comeback after not making the list last year. Then there is also a group of notable sites that didn’t make the cut, but deserve a mention. For example, which launched late 2011 and has grown exponentially since. Also worth mentioning are the Pirate Bay proxies, including, which in itself almost deserves a spot in the top 10.
Below is the full list of the 10 most-visited torrent sites at the start of the new year. Only public and English language sites are included. The list is based on various traffic reports and we display the Alexa and U.S. Compete rank for each.
In addition, we include last year’s ranking for each of the 10 sites. Did we miss anything? Feel free to join the discussion below. People who want to increase their privacy may wants to use a. To many people The Pirate Bay is the equivalent to BitTorrent. The site was founded in 2003 and is still expanding, despite the various legal troubles and new blockades in the UK and the Netherlands.
The Pirate Bay currently has well over a billion page views a month.