Kliker Rapidfire

Kliker Rapidfire

Auto Clicker: Mac Automation Utility Simple, Easy and Free to try Mouse Automation Utility for Mac to automate Left or Right Mouse Button Clicking. The Auto Clicker provides multiple ways to Start and Stop the Auto Clicking of Mouse Cursor. The Auto Mouse Click Utility allows to group Mouse Clicks (let's call the group as Mouse Click Script) and Save them in a File for later use. The Mouse Click Script can be loaded to run at a later time.

Program Overview This is a handy utility to have around for pretty much any game that requires fast clicking of your left (or primary, if you've swapped buttons) mouse button. It will allow you to set the click rate between 1 and 500 times per second. You can configure it either to click while holding down a key, or it can be configured to click when you toggle a key. A good toggle example is using the Caps Lock toggled on would cause rapid clicking until you press Caps Lock again to turn it off. It is configurable for several key combinations. It will remember the last settings used when you restart the program again.


Obrazec zapolneniya migracionnoj karti v shri lanku live. The great advantage of this utility is the ability to configure it to your liking. This program works for any game that requires a rapid mouse clicking action. Install Instructions Simply unzip the executable file into the desired folder and launch it.


It will automatically create its configuration file in the current users AppData folder. If you want to make it portable to put it on a USB drive, all you need to do is create an empty text file named 'RapidClick.ini' in the program directory and it will automatically use that for saving the settings. July 22, 2011: First Release.